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Library has about 10,000 photographs that were taken by not only the Regional Bureaus but also the municipalities and the companies in the construction industry.
The images are sorted in chronological order from the moment of the occurrence of the earthquake. A list of user-friendly keywords is also provided here.
We will continue to expand our library to include the images of the long reconstruction process that we are going to see in the future.

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You may also attach the website materials to documents that you prepare. If you want to use the contents of this website, please send describes the following items in the mail. File number of the reprint request , Intended use , Applicant's name , E-mail address.


Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Clearance working state Iwaki Route6 / Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of MLIT
Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Clearance working state Iwaki Route6 / Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of MLIT
Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Before clrearance / Yotsukura Hisanohama / Watanabegumi
Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Before clrearance / Yotsukura Hisanohama / Watanabegumi
Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Before clrearance / Yotsukura Hisanohama / Watanabegumi
Fukushima Iwaki Clearance / Before clrearance / Yotsukura Hisanohama / Watanabegumi
Fukushima Iwaki  Harbor Recovery of distribution system / Onahama port / Material of Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of MLIT
Fukushima Iwaki Harbor
Fukushima Iwaki Harbor / Fishing port / Sink of apron
Fukushima Iwaki Harbor / Supply / Nagasakimaru
Fukushima Iwaki Harbor / Supply / Nagasakimaru
Fukushima Iwaki Damage / Yotsukura port
Fukushima Iwaki Damage / Yotsukura port
Fukushima Iwaki Damage / Yotsukura port
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage
Fukushima Iwaki Damage

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